How many times in the year have you asked this question in your favourite bar? Many, many times isn’t it?
This is completely normal because coffee is one of the most drunk drinks in the world! World coffee consumption is still growing and represents 313 kilos of coffee per second, or 9.9 million tonnes (165 million 60 kg bags). (2017 figures)
According to the International Coffee Organization, two out of three inhabitants of the world consume coffee, which represents more than 2.5 billion consumers. This would make coffee the second most drunk drink after water and before tea.

Which countries consume the most coffee?
Overall, European countries are the biggest consumers of coffee. The 4 Scandinavian countries are in the top 5 of the most consuming countries.
Sweden comes in 3rd position with 9.4kg of coffee per person per year. There’s a lot of caffeine in your blood … but that’s another story.
Nothing like drinking a coffee in a beautiful mug isn’t it? We recommend our “Fika what else? » mugs, available on our website. Elegant and resistant they will accompany you for a long time during your coffee breaks.
Mug “Fika what else?»